FAMILY CHORDS, COUSIN CHORDS ??? … What is that !!?In the world of music, it is impossible to escape the so-called chord group / family that has a very close relationship, without knowing this theory then a musician will experience ‘MISSING’ in his game and will be really ‘BLIND’ if lazy to know … 🙂
In chords, there are several developing terms, including;
1). Family Chords (primary chords)
2). Cousins Chords (secondary chords)
In music, there are 3 types of chord family groups that are the foundation, namely; Major, minor and dominant 7 …
As for the translation;
1). I – IV – V … (major) … commonly called Family Chords, for example: C, F, G,
2) II – III – VI – VII … (minor & diminished) … commonly called Cousin Chords, for example: Dm, Em, Am, Bdim.
** generally both family chords and cousin chords mention it simply as the fam or family chords.
More chord progressions;
DO = C
C (I) – Dm (II) – Em (III) – F (IV) – G (V) – Am (VI) – Bdim (VII)
To scale use C major Scale; C, D, E, F, G, A, B
For his minor progressions, live from chord to 6 major
DO = C
Am (VI) – Bdim (VII) – C (I) – Dm (II) – Em (III) – F (IV) – G (V)
To scale use A minor Scale; A, B, C, D, E, F, G
* DESCRIPTION: All the basic tune songs DO = C are certain chords just spin in chords C, Dm, Em, F, G, Am, Bdim, well the question now is why in basic tone C it’s second level chord Is Dm not D major? Em not E major? Am not A major? Bdim not Bm or B major? ANSWER: try to note the chord-tones or formula of each chord below:
C = C, E, G
Dm = D, F, A
Em = E, G, B
F = F, A, C
G = G, B, D
Am = A, C, E
Bdim = B, D, F
how to find the keys of a song and base playing mash ?
All the above formula is on its major scale C right? Em Dm the formula D, F, A. Why not D major, because the formula D is D, F #, A and F # tone is not in the major scale of his C, as well as other chord-chord, so the way to look for group / family chord is to be based on scale scale, Understand ya? … well then how to determine or search chord a song? Yes we just look for the basic tone, the simple way is to find the bass tone of the song, note the bass tones and match the bass tones are on what scale? For example when we search for chords then we find bass notes like C, A, F, D, G, E then it is certain these bass notes come in its do re mi C or its major scale C, meaning the basic tone DO = C, and Certainly chord round just spinning between C, Dm, Em, F, G, Am, Bdim. Well this is the secret …! Then what if the basic notes are not in C but in D, E, F, G, A, B? Yes it is easy, pay attention to the interval (tone distance) on the major scale C then stay up in accordance with the basic tone that is played, eg the basic tone is in DO = D, well the distance of C to D is one, it means all the chord C family is raised one Tone, note below:
C raised one so D
Dm raised one so Em
Em raised one so F # m
F raised one so G
G is raised one so A
Am raised one so Bm
Bdim is raised one so C # dim
* Conclusion: family chord D is D, Em, F # m, G, A, Bm, C # dim. All the songs that pitched the basic D must be just circling in the rounds of these chords .. understand yes, easy right? For more details see below chord family (family chords) of various basic tones;
DO = C —> C Dm Em F G Am Bdim
DO = D —> D Em F # m G A Bm C # dim
DO = E —> E F # m G # m A B C # m D # dim
DO = F —> F Gm Am Bb C Dm Edim
DO = G —> G Am Bm C D Em F # dim
DO = A —> A Bm C # m D E F # m G # dim
DO = B —> B C # m D # m E F # G # m Bbdim
Then there is another question: if there are chords outside of this family chord, what is it and how do nentuin its basic tone? ANSWER: all chords that are outside the official formula above are usually chord-chord variations, bridge chords, passing chords, all use of this chord is legitimate and lawful used in the progression of a song, so special chord -This chord is an exception, for example: there is a chord progression song like below:
C, C / B, Am, Am / G, F6, D7, G7 or Am, Am / G #, Am / G, Am / F #, F … nah what basic tone is it or DO where is it? ANSWER: the basic notes of the above two progression are DO = C, so the base tone remains in C even if there are chords above that the formula does not fit into its major scale C, the chords outside the official formula above are bridge chords ) Used to embellish chord moves, so let it not sound flat,
Well, by understanding this theory / formula then we get various advantages of insight that other than we so understand how to search chord a song, we also understand melodies play track, which way is it? ANSWER: for example if we play the song in DO = C then use C major Scale; C, D, E, F, G, A, B, and chords