Why we should choice Chord C for learn guitar

Learning guitar should be patient. Especially if you want to immediately adept, will be very difficult if only in a short time, except the prodigy with extraordinary talent
Why we should choice Chord C for learn guitar
1. Chord is simple and easy to reach fingersĀ
One of the difficulties experienced by novice guitarists who are learning is when to press the strings above the fretboard correctly in order to form a chord and sound properly.
As we know, guitar chords, from A to G, are many variations to shape them. The point can be from any fret, and the string of any number.
The easiest is Chord C, this means C = do. Why easy?
Check out the following reviews.
That tone, we speak the standard first yes, who already expert pretending not to know first, can not read aja can not read.
Well, again, the tone consists of the tone of do re mi fa sol la si do.
(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 i)
1 = do = C
2 = re = Dm
3 = mi = Em
4 = fa = F
5 = sol = G
6 = la = Am
7 = si = Bm or C / B
See the sequence above, almost all the tones with a basic C tone can be formed just a few fingers.
No need to use 4 fingers, just 3 fingers can already accompany a song, from tone do to do again.
So the fingers do not have to tire-tired to stretch out reaching difficult chord. Did chords mean hard for beginners? Like for example chord B, G # m, C # m and others.
2. Tone region suitable for singing
Playing guitar is incomplete if not singing. Well, chord C is very fitting, because the low do comfortably sung and the highest tone is also quite affordable.
Okay guitarist?