What the Lord has done in me (PerbuatanNya Bagiku) – Chord and Lyrics

PerbuatanNya bagiku

What the Lord has done in me (PerbuatanNya Bagiku) – Chord and Lyrics

Lirik Lagu Rohani Kristen dan Kunci Gitar Mudah
Title Song : PerbuatanNya Bagiku
Singer : Jacqlien Celosse
Key : C

Bait 1

        C        G     C              F             Am
Yang le-mah di---kuat--kan, Yang mis--kin di---perkaya
Let the weak say I am strong, let the poor say I am rich
        C         G      C                  Dm7      G       C         
Yang bu-ta    di--ce-lik-kan,   Per-bu--at--an---Nya ba--gi--ku
Let the blind say I can  see, it's what the Lord has done in me

Reff :
  G       Am          F             C            
Hosana, Hosana bagi   A----nak  Dom-ba
Hosana, Hosana to The Lamb that was slain
  G       Am         C        G     C       
Hosana, Hosana Yesus bangkit  dari maut
Hosana, Hosana Jesus died and rose again

Bait 2 

     C      G      C               F                    Am
Kuma-suk Ke Sungai-Mu    Di---sa---na Do--sa--ku Di--te-bus
Into the ri-ver I  will wade there my sins are washed a way
         C       G       C            Dm7     G        C 
Dengan   Kasih   Sorga---wi  Dia  S'lamatkan  Hi--dup--ku
From the Heavens mercy streams of The Saviors love for me

Reff :
  G       Am          F             C            
Hosana, Hosana bagi   A----nak  Dom-ba
Hosana, Hosana to The Lamb that was slain
  G       Am         C        G     C       
Hosana, Hosana Yesus bangkit  dari maut
Hosana, Hosana Jesus died and rose again

Bait 3 

       C         G       C             F              Am
Dan ki-ni  ku    kan bangkit, Hi--dup  dalam   ka-sih-Nya
I will rise from water   deep into the savings ams of God
       C       G       C           Dm7        G      C          
Nyanyi pujian  ke-s'la-matan   Ye--sus t'lah  be-bas-kan 
I will sing salvation  song, Jesus Christ has set me free

Reff :
  G       Am          F             C            
Hosana, Hosana bagi   A----nak  Dom-ba
Hosana, Hosana to The Lamb that was slain
  G       Am         C        G     C       
Hosana, Hosana Yesus bangkit  dari maut
Hosana, Hosana Jesus died and rose again

Author: chord info