At the end of the 20 decade, saxophone instruments began to be used in the jazz scene.Saxophone is the result of a Belgian design and idea named A Sax.Ia wants a clarinet that can blow octave in the position of the upper fingers (left hand) The lower finger (right hand) does not change.
In 1840 he succeeded in fulfilling his wish with the formation of his instrument of creation. The blowing instrument of his creation not only had the technique in the same position of his fingers from top to bottom as desired, but also can be merged, this is as expected also between the speed of playing a blowing instrument Wood with the strength of the baking / brass sound.
He then made all kinds in the family of saxophone, namely soprano, alto, C melody, tenor, baritone and bass saxophone.Bass saxophone is so large and long, so to play should sit on a high bench. Because it is not practical, the bass Saxophone is not produced anymore.Saxophone has a specific distinctive sound color.But its presence in the music world in the 19th century was not acceptable by symphony orchestra.Alat was only used in military marching band at the beginning of the 20th century.And finally began to go into Jazz scene in the late decade of the 20s, even then dominate in the field of soloist jazz music.
There are several contradictory opinions about the use of saxophone. There is a call that saxophone into the mainstream of the popular dance music began in 1910. But the opinion was opposed by WCHandy who said that the quartetnya have been using saxophone since 1902, the new group of singers in Show tour. He brought a saxophone in a dance band in 1909, that’s the first saxophone in an orchestra in the USA, he said.
Garvin Bushell said that the first saxophone tenor went into Springfield, Ohio, around World War I. But by a player from New Orleans, John Joseph was challenged and stated that he brought the tool to his town in 1914. And Art Hickman, Famous also states that he used the tool around the year 1914 as well.
Clearly, the saxophone began gigging at the time jazz moved out of New Orleans, but has not received attention from the enthusiasts . Since originally, jazz music as dominated by cornet and trumpet. Evident from the jazz kings who appeared at the time such as Oliver, Armstrong, and others are trumpet players and cornet.