God So Loved – Hillsong Worship Chord & Lyrics

God So Loved

God So Loved

Chorus :

    A      D          A
For God so loved the world
        A        D    E
That He gave His only Son
     F#m    D               A  E/G#  F#m
Whosoever believes will not pe   -   rish
           D     Esus  E   A
They shall have eter - nal life

Verse 1 :

        A         D      A
I shall hold to the cross
E/G#    F#m     D         E
I shall hold to God a - lone
        F#m D            A  E/G#  F#m
For His love has salvaged me
        D        E     A
For His love has set me free

Chorus :

    A           D          A
For God so loved the world
        A        D        E
That He gave His only Son
     F#m       D               A  E/G#  F#m
Whosoever believes will not pe   -   rish
           D       Esus   E    A
They shall have eter - nal life

Verse 2  :

        A   D        A
I shall wait upon the Lord
E/G#    F#m D        E
I shall wait upon His Word
       F#m   D       A   E/G#  F#m
By His grace, I am released
       D        E    A
By His grace, I am redeemed

Chorus :

    A      D          A
For God so loved the world
        A        D    E
That He gave His only Son
     F#m    D               A  E/G#  F#m
Whosoever believes will not pe   -   rish
           D     Esus  E   A
They shall have eter - nal life

Interlude  :

D   A   F#m  E
D   A   F#m  E

Bridge :

By His precious blood
I have been set free
        F#m             E
For the glory of Jesus' name
I surrender all
       A      E/G#      F#m
Now to Christ a  -  lone
   D      E       A
In Jesus, I am saved

By His precious blood
I have been set free
        F#m             E
For the glory of Jesus' name
I surrender all
       A      E/G#  F#m
Now to Christ a  -  lone
   D      E   A
In Jesus, I am saved

Chorus :

    A           D          A
For God so loved the world
        A        D         E
That He gave His only Son
     F#m    D               A    E/G#     F#m
Whosoever believes will not pe   -   rish
           D     Esus    E      A
They shall have eter - nal life

Outro :

                D     Esus       E        A
Yes, they shall have eter - nal life
Author: chord info